Final HoH Part 3 - Jury Says
Oct 17, 2014 5:49:30 GMT
Post by Emily on Oct 17, 2014 5:49:30 GMT
It's time for the FINAL Head of Household competition! Zach you have lost both part 1 and part 2 and you cannot compete.
Either Aaryn or Jen will win and become the final head of household.
final hoh part 3 - jury says
The jury has each answered a few questions. Your job is to guess what each juror said. The person with the most questions right will win.
Which boot shocked Kaitlin the most?
A. Her own
B. Hayden's
What one thing did Sabrina say she would change about her game?
A. She would not have wussed out on so many moves
B. She would have nominated Aaryn.
What one thing did Kaitlin say she would change about her game?
A. She would talk to more people.
B. She would not take as many punishments in the veto.
What boot shocked Steven the most?
A. Peter, he was expecting himself to get evicted.
B. Kaitlin, she really got screwed by the twist.
Who is Danielle rooting for to win?
A. Aaryn
B. Jen
Who is Peter rooting for to win?
A. Aaryn
B. Zach
Who is Eric rooting for to win?
A. Zach
B. The Kitchen Table
What did Sabrina say was her biggest mistake?
A. Backdooring Steven
B. Evicting Peter
What one thing did Eric say he would change about his game?
A. Won the power of veto in BBUK week
B. Be even more rude to Jocasta
What one thing did Peter say he would change about his game?
A. He would talk to more people
B. He would win more competitions.
Who is Steven rooting for to win?
A. Aaryn, the competition beast.
B. Jen, the rootable underdog.
What did Danielle say was her biggest mistake?
A. Not pushing hard enough for Sabrina to veto Kaitlin.
B. Voting Jocasta out over Jen.
TIEBREAKER: How many seconds went by from the time I posted the questionarire in the jury house to my first response from a juror
The closest without going over will win.
You have 24 hours to submit but I will update early if you both submit.